Upsizing or Downsizing? Don’t Overdo It!
Posted by Billy Peshke on
Imagine you have a growing family, and you want to trade in the small sedan for something larger. So, you visit the dealership and come back with a bus. Well, that would be upsizing a bit too much – unless you have a really huge family! That’s the challenge of upsizing or downsizing. You need to be careful not to take it too far and end up with something that isn’t suitable. This often occurs in the real estate world. For example, homeowners might decide to sell their home and find a smaller one. But, if they go too far, they end up with a property so small they feel claustrophobic. How do you avoid a similar scenario happening to you? If you’re thinking of upsizing or downsizing, the best place to start is in your own home. Think about how you use the…
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